Here are today’s headlines…
- NASA Loses Contact With New Horizons; Pluto Spacecraft Enters ‘Safe Mode’
- MH370: People are still asking what happened to Malaysia Airlines’ missing plane
- Mystery of Six Missing Women has Ohio Town on Edge
- Elsewhere, mystery woman with amnesia identified by family
- Researchers test HIV-1 vaccine on human after partial success in rhesus monkeys
- More clues emerge about how Wooly Mammoths survived in extreme temperatures
- Elsewhere, fate of polar bears’ will likely be tied to reversing global warming
- Controversial Al Jazeera ID4 Video Casts U.S. as Gun Owning Racists on Painkillers
- Toxic Portuguese Man-of-Wars Invade Jersey Shore in Time for Holiday Weekend
- Why Some in Texas Believe There is an Obama-led Military Invasion Coming
- Wild in the Streets: A 24-Hour Field Guide to New York City’s Nature
- Forget comic favorite Spiderman: spiders are real superheroes
- The Enduring Haunting of England’s Ye Olde Man & Scythe Pub
- Believers and Skeptics Head to Roswell for Famous Festival