Here are today’s headlines…
- Back Online: New Horizons Sends More Images of Pluto’s “Mystery Spots”
- Elsewhere: New Horizons at Pluto: what you need to know
- John Connor? No… Elon Musk aims to save world from evil AI
- Elsewhere, here are the best ideas for preventing AI from wrecking the planet
- Meanwhile, a word about SETI and the ‘rise of the machines’
- Will the entire truth about the Roswell Incident ever be known?
- Is this the future of travel? A glass tube called Hyperloop
- Opportunity rover bypasses flash memory, now relies on RAM
- Hotel guests ‘see so many UFOs on the beach’ staff keep log of sightings
- USAF ‘Land Grab’ Angers Conservationists Over Wildlife Refuge Acquisition
- “This IS a Chupacabra”… having a biology degree didn’t help discern it was a coyote
- Washington Examiner Compares Views of Alex Jones and Donald Trump
- PayPal founder backs project to build floating “Seastead” city by 2020
- Video Purportedly Shows “Poltergeist” Moving Chairs By Itself
- There are allegedly the “most haunted” objects in the world
- Plankton Enjoy Snacking on Plastic