Here are today’s headlines…
- Mathematician May Have Solved The Mystery Of Missing Flight MH370
- ‘Monstrous’ star-forming galaxy spied in deep-space by ALMA
- Haunting chalkboard drawings, frozen in time for 100 years, discovered in School
- Suicide bombers target Egypt’s famed temple site at Luxor
- Serengeti Park’s Species Richness Caught on Hidden Cameras
- International Space Station shifted by engine misfire, say Russians
- Scientists break 75-million-year-old dinosaur fossils and find blood cells
- Physics of Doctor Who’s awesome time-traveling ship aren’t exactly science fiction
- This 45-Minute Blade Runner Cut Is Made Of Footage Not In The Final Film
- SpaceX founder files with government to provide Internet service from space
- ‘The Trouble With Girls’ Has a Nobel Laureate in Hot Water
- Parasitic Feline Feces linked to Future Mental Illness
- Freaks: ‘A fleeting glimpse of the Old Weird America’
- Type 1 diabetes vaccine all set for Mid-Stage Trial
- Chimps dig palm wine, new study finds
- Are Bumblebees Getting Alzheimer’s?
- Water PC, the Next Reality!