Here are today’s headlines…
- NASA: Life outside of Earth is expected to be hard to find
- New NASA study reveals world’s running out of groundwater
- Moon engulfed in permanent, lopsided dust cloud
- Researchers: Algae blooms can travel in running water
- Super-stars built the universe, and they lived all the way over there
- Woman’s Portrait Will Appear on the $10 Bill, U.S. Treasury Announces
- Archaeologists Decipher Name of ‘Ancient Astronaut’ Maya Tomb
- Methane found in Martian meteorites… on Earth
- On eve of encyclical, pope appeals for ‘our ruined’ planet
- Worm Brain Yields Secret to How Animals Sense Earth’s Magnetic Field
- ‘Transabled’: Voluntary removal of limbs to become ‘disabled’ marks disturbing trend
- Is This the New Face of the World’s Most Famous Secret Agent?
- Will Robotic “Time Police” Punish Us for Future Crimes?
- Today’s absurd INQUISITR headline: “Alien UFO Fires Energy Beam Over U.S. Capitol, Lands At Secret ET Base Beneath White House”
- Watch Thousands of Crabs Invade a California Beach
- Mystery over presidential filing by Chesapeake man
- Can Reading Make You Happier?