Here are today’s headlines…
- DNA says 8500-year-old ‘Kennewick Man’ closely related to Native Americans
- Woman Deemed World’s Oldest Person Dies at 116 in Michigan
- Humans will be extinct in 100 years says eminent scientist
- Latest species to be tracked in national parks: Homo sapiens
- Somber John Stewart’s ‘Scathing’ Monologue About Charleston Shooting
- Elephant DNA may spur crackdown on illegal ivory trade
- Saturn’s moon Titan and Earth host similar polar winds
- Online human breast milk craze has serious health risks
- Stowaway Falls to Death From Plane Flying Over London
- Elsewhere, a mysterious, low-flying plane was circling several times over Aurora
- Mystery Photo Haunting Reddit Is Image Recognition Gone Weird
- What Caused the Images on the Shroud of Turin?
- Rudimentary Life, Not ‘Little Green Men’, May Exist Beneath Martian Surface
- Neurologist claims similarities between victims of alleged alien abduction
- Elsewhere, Alberta Family Puzzled by Grisly “Cattle Mutilation”
- Ants use metal-like hair to block desert sunlight
- Kangaroos are left-handed, say scientists
- Studies bolster North Texas earthquake links to oil, gas activity
- Bigfoot, Spiders, Snakes… and Droughts?

Of course Jon Stuart’s got nothing. His spiritual life is basically nil. He can’t speak to that side of the cause of the shooting in Charleston. Dylann Roof came from a broken, fallen home and he was dealing with a broken, fallen life. Rudderless without Christ. Incapable of recognizing the brother/sisterhood of man in the eyes of those alive in Christ.