Here are today’s headlines…
- We’re no longer unique: Many exoplanets follow Earth’s same pattern
- Meet the Tallest Tree in Muir Woods, CA – It Is Only 777 Years Old
- Police search San Diego flight at Philadelphia airport after bomb threat is received
- The FBI covertly flies surveillance planes over many US cities
- Elsewhere, NASA set for revolutionary ‘flying saucer’ test flight
- These Five Robots May Rescue You From Natural Disasters
- Australian Researcher Aims to Shed Light on UFOs
- Australian Couple Has Terrifying Encounter With Screaming, Hooded Figure (w Video)
- Study: Painkillers, Anti-Anxiety Medications Linked To Increased Risk Of Homicide
- Special forces soldiers to get ‘personal drones’
- Either way, no more NSA collection of US phone records
- Government Wipes Recent Vaccine Injury Data from Website
- What’s up with these weird blue patches on Mars?
- An Oedipus in Outer Space Is About as Weird as It Sounds
- Missile maker: Russia didn’t shoot down Malaysian plane over Ukraine
- TSA acting head reassigned following airport security penetrations
- Redfern Recaps the Robertson Panel and UFOs

Does anyone else find it strange that the reports about the TSA failure and Anthrax in the mail came out when Rand Paul is experiencing a groundswell in popularity and is attempting to help Americans keep the eyes of government out of our everyday citizens’ lives? Oh yeah….we need that surveillance on Aunt Betty who lives with her three cats and a dog and knits all day.