Here are today’s headlines…
- Earth is on track for a mass extinction, and humans are to blame, study says
- ‘The Holy Father is wrong to say that our way of life is doomed’
- Philae probe still talking to Earth from surface of comet, say Rosetta scientists
- Volcanoes on Venus? Lava may still flow on mysterious planet
- Inverness actress Karen Gillan leads the hunt for Nessie
- El Dorado County Residents Report “Constant” Mystery Booms
- Parachutist Saved in Mid-Air as Chute Fails to Open at Airshow
- The John Lennon/UFO link to North Wales’s Berwyn Mountains mystery
- Police use ultrasonic device to make sure drivers stay 3 feet from cyclists
- Boob tubes: Breast grown in lab will test cancer treatments
- Answer to a 150-Year-Old Math Conundrum Brings More Mystery
- China rejects Gilead’s patent for $1000-a-day drug
- Dead Whales Near Kodiak Island Pose Mystery
- Eskimos… Flying?