Here are today’s headlines…
- Exiled supernovas burst in lonely cosmic explosion
- Is This The End Of Particle Physics As We Know It? Let’s Hope Not
- Mystery Worm-Like Creature Causes “Panic” (not really) in Taiwan
- Fake Orca Nearly Drowns Before It Can Scare Away Sea Lions
- Stephen Hawking Addresses Whether He Would Consider Assisted Suicide
- BBC accused of presenting ‘conspiracy theory’ in Satanic abuse documentary
- Sometimes, the right word or phrase can make all the difference, like UAPs
- Did NOAA Try To “Erase” Global Warming Hiatus From its Records?
- Amazing discovery: an ancient gold trade route dated to Bronze Age
- Grounded Again: Ill Winds in Hawaii Force ‘Saucer’ Launch Delay
- Auckland ‘Mystery Booms’ Were Likely Fireworks, Sources Say
- “Charlie Charlie” and CERN are discussed on The Paranormal Report
- Egg Rationing Has Begun in America, Beginning with Texas Grocer
- This Vacuum- Powered Abduction Machine Sucks Up Flies for Science
- Robots compete in Fukushima-inspired US challenge

I find it strange how after being caught finagling temperatures for monetary gains the “scientists” who finagled the figures originally resort to….finagling… a poor attempt to justify the erroneous propaganda.
This from a piece over at Breitbart about the finagled climate numbers.
“But why fret over explaining the pause you didn’t see coming, if you can just fiddle with a few spreadsheets and make it disappear? That’s what the authors of a new paper published in Science magazine did. They got rid of some data sets they didn’t like, added a few degrees here and there, and presto – the climate change pause is gone, replaced by the possibility of a very gentle warming trend that bears no resemblance whatsoever to the doomsday predictions of the Eighties and Nineties, which led to so many billions of dollars in spending.”
“I strongly recommend against using such analytical tools to make your financial statements balance, or you’ll end up having words with the IRS.”