Here are today’s headlines…
- Will NASA’s Saucer Get Off The Ground? Monday Meetup Will Try Again
- The Robo-Samurai is real: Man and machine face off in swordplay
- Latest Mystery “Bang” Strikes Dubbo, New South Wales, Causing Disturbance
- Bill Nye’s Solar Sail Spacecraft Gets Zombified, Comes Back From the Dead
- Sea Serpent? Well no… a giant oarfish washes up on Catalina Island beach
- ‘San Andreas’-style earthquake not possible in Maine
- ‘The Force Awakens’ merchandise suggests C-3PO has a replacement
- Conspiracists claim to find ‘certain proof’ of alien city by Ceres ‘bright spots’
- Elsewhere, some think an asteroid impact will level civilization in September
- Blogger Claims Old Soviet Space Mission Photos Show ‘Artifacts’ on the Moon
- This Former NASA Astronaut Shares Details About UFO Cover-Ups
- I drive a car with license plates that read “DRUNK,” and weird things happen
- NASA is Investing in Eco-Friendly Supersonic Aircraft for Travel
- Mathematics Helps Us Determine Aliens Will Be Bear-Sized
- Is California Sinking? Some Say It’s So