Here are today’s headlines…
- President Obama is Latest President Asked About Area 51 and UFOs by Kimmel
- Fossilized Teeth Reveal Humans Lived In Rainforests Much Earlier Than Believed
- Nearly half of all ‘new’ marine species ever discovered are actually duplicates
- Ring brings ancient Viking, Islamic civilizations closer together
- This Innovative Device Can Build Small Molecules with One Click
- Rosetta Rescue: Mission Underway to Save the Philae Probe
- NASA confirms ocean on Jupiter moon, raising prospects for life
- Anthropocene Began in 1610, According to a New Study
- Putin’s mysterious absence has Moscow a-buzz with rumors
- Russia’s New Military Drone is a UFO-Shaped Hovering Tank
- Passengers use emergency (not Roswell) slides after landing at Conspiracy Airport
- UFO Photographed By Guy Stuck In Houston Traffic Jam, Sighting Makes News
- Collision Course: After two years lying dormant, the LHC is reving its engines