Here are today’s headlines…
- Newly Discovered Ancient Crocodile Ancestor Predates Dinosaurs
- More than a million stars are forming in a mysterious dusty gas cloud nearby
- Total solar eclipse coincides with supermoon and spring equinox
- Speaking a second language may change how you see the world
- Have alien civilizations built cosmic accelerators from black holes?
- Rick Scott ‘climate change’ gag order claims first victim, enviro group says
- Soon, You May Be Able to Drink Beer Brewed With Space Yeast
- Elsewhere, Did the Ancient Irish Have Their Own Microbreweries?
- Nasa’s SOFIA Helps Find Missing Link Between Supernovae and Planet Formation
- Alien Abductions Day Is March 20th: Here Are 5 Of The Weirdest Abduction Stories
- Connecticut Man Says Family of ‘Alien’ Creatures has Taken Over his Residence
- Researchers Now Have the Answer to the ‘Gleaming Mushroom’ Question

Why do you insist upon omitting punctuation in your headlines?
Just playing a game with us, to exercise our minds interpreting what you are saying?
An unfortunate aside:
I sent my deposit for the June trip to Ireland in which you are involved.
Four days later, I discovered a schedule conflict, sent an email withdrawing, and was told rather rudely that “no refunds” is clearly stated in the ads for the “adventure”. It was a $400 lesson for me, saving me considerable waste of $ and time considering future engagements with that organization. A “Spiritual” sense is not encouraged by such an attitude. My disappointment was in finding you connected with that operation. If you receive some portions of my $400, enjoy – have a good meal, on me. I continue to follow you, but not that organization, conspicuous by absence of name here.