Here are today’s headlines…
- New Molecular Nitrogen Findings; What Rosetta’s Discovery Means
- Solitary Blasting Star Can Give Birth to 7000 Earth-Like ‘Plane’tes’
- Scientists at LHC hope to unravel mysteries of parallel worlds in days
- France temporarily bans ‘even-numbered plates from roads’ to curb pollution
- Disturbingly Nude Victorian Mermaids at Beachcombing’s Bizzare History
- The CIA Declassified the Doc that Supposedly Justified the Iraq Invasion
- Crystal with ‘forbidden symmetry’ found in 4.5bn-year-old meteorite
- The Cuddle Hormone Shows That Your Dog Really Does Love You
- Faith No More’s Keyboardist wrote an opera about Bigfoot
- Search for extraterrestrial intelligence extends to new realms
- Supertide surrounds France’s Mont Saint-Michel with water
- Weird asteroid spun so fast it literally exploded itself
- Mayo unravels a mystery disease for Minnesota attorney