Here are today’s headlines…
- Nova Vulpeculae 1670 was not formed due to a Nova Explosion, says ESO
- Landmark study proves that magnets can control heat and sound
- Space Songs: Study suggests stars generate sound and sing
- Jupiter May Have Destroyed Early Planets And Paved The Way For Earth
- EPA debunks ‘chemtrails,’ further fueling conspiracy theories (+video)
- McKean County residents share stories of creature lurking in Keating Township
- Did you spot it? Residents report “Strange lights” over Exeter last night
- Is the Future of American Society Moving into Something Frightening?
- Roll Tide: Scientists Reveal the Cause of French Abbey Super Tide
- Scientists have discovered the world’s largest asteroid impact zone
- West Midlands Police receive 150 reports of UFOs, ghosts & witches in 5 years
- Why Exercise Won’t Counteract The Effects Of Sitting All Day
- Kids Whose Ears Stick Out Are Cuter, Science Confirms
- That Boeing Force Field? It Probably Won’t Ever Work
- Scientists to Smithsonian: Cut ties with Koch brothers
- Haunted Dolls Making A Killing As Collectibles