Here are today’s headlines…
- NASA Ames Reproduces The Building Blocks of Life in the Lab
- Gigantic gravitic lens flare shows boffins a cruciform supernova
- Small Brown Bird, Thought Extinct Since the 1940s, Makes Surprise Appearance
- Ancient Human Skull Hides Something Archaeologists Are Calling a First
- The Guardian Reports on the ‘Strange World of Felt Presences’
- ‘Ghost Bus’, or Just a Lousy Driver? You Decide…
- Grandma Killer Whales Know Best; They’re Leaders of their Pods
- Hoax? What was the ‘disc shaped’ object that flew behind an Argentina TV set?
- UFO, or Just a Bright Star? Mystery Light Over Yorkshire Puzzles Residents
- NOAA: El Nino is ‘too little, too late’ for California drought
- Excavation at Oregon site unearths ancient stone tool
- Supernova in binary system sends companion star speeding out of the galaxy
- Airline Passenger Purportedly Records UFO Over Yorkshire