Here are today’s headlines…
- Memorial Day Celebrations Include Obama’s Salute to Soldiers Fallen in Battle
- Elsewhere, Man’s Pressure Cooker Alarms Capitol Police in DC
- I’m a veteran, and I hate ‘Happy Memorial Day‘
- Dead Gray Whale Washes Onto Sonoma County Beach; 7th in 5-Week Period
- ‘UFOs’ or parachutes? Taking no chances, Mumbai ATC asks pilot to abort take-off
- How we found the source of the mystery signals at the Dish
- NASA Curiosity rover adjusts its route up martian mountain
- Purported dog-like creature filmed: “Dogman”, Badger, or Bear?
- San Francisco Police are Keeping Their Eyes Peeled for This Eyeball Mask
- Coffee May Perk Up More Than Men’s Brains: It Could Stave Off Erectile Disfunction
- Inscriptions on Uruguay Coast Suggest West Africans Beat Columbus to Americas
- This Lens Might Enhance Your Vision to Superhuman Status
- The Contact Experiences of Philip K Dick & Robert Anton Wilson
- One Man’s Fascinating Quest to Understand a Spooky Phenomenon