Here are today’s headlines…
- Scientists Discover 11 New Chameleon Species, Which They Thought Were the Same One
- If At First You Don’t Succeed! Robot learns via trial and error like a human
- Elsewhere, Robot Tongue Identifies The Correct Beer Every Time
- Gold Artifacts Tell Tale of Drug-Fueled Rituals and “Bastard Wars”
- NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover has to change course on Mount Sharp
- Galapagos Island Volcano Erupts, Threatening Fragile Ecosystem
- CSM Discusses Why the US is testing hypersonic weapons (+video)
- Nasty Appetite: Newly Discovered Star May in Fact Be a Cannibal
- UC Berkeley graduate, doctoral student find irregularities in same-sex marriage study
- Simply Smashing: CERN Scientists are impressed with LCH’s ‘record breaking performance’
- The Dark Side of Meditation? Studies and New Book Discuss the Down Side of Mindfulness
- Bruce Greyson on Researching Near-Death Experiences at the University of Virginia
- Has The Existence of a “Lost Race of Giants” Been Established? Ancient Origins Investigates
- Asteroid impacts 3.3 billion years ago may have boiled the oceans
- Can Remote Viewing or Dreaming Predict Stock Market Prices?
- Turning sewage into drinking water gains appeal as drought lingers
- Apache Tribe Members on the “Secret” of Bigfoot