Here are today’s headlines…
- This Fuzzy Blue Blob is Most Distant Galaxy Ever Seen
- The Sun unleashed a huge solar flare Tuesday, but everything’s okay
- Mysterious X-Rays Could Mark Star Graveyard Around Supermassive Black Hole
- Roswell Slides unveiled: UFO fans left heartbroken by Area 51 ‘alien’ photo
- Meanwhile, Micah Hanks offers his commentary on the “Roswell Slides” situation
- Popular electric brain stimulation method used to boost brainpower hurts to IQ scores
- “Blazing Objects” and Loud Noise Reported Over Aukland, New Zealand
- How To Live Longer: Scientists Are Pushing To Make 120 The New 70
- Oculus Rift: What We Know About the Virtual Reality Headset Consumer Release
- Scientists Issue Warning Over Chemicals Common In Carpets, Coats, Cookware
- Alien Volcanoes on ‘Super Earth’ May Explain Wild Temperature Swings
- Can’t sleep? 4-7-8 technique claims to help you nod off in 60 SECONDS
- Ghostly Voices From Thomas Edison’s Dolls Can Now Be Heard
- Japan Engineers Design Robotic Bear to aid in Assisted Suicide
- The number glitch that can lead to catastrophe