Here are today’s headlines…
- Paris Attacks: Grief and Heartbreak Expressed Around the World
- Attacks in Paris Push Facebook, Twitter Users to New Tools
- Elsewhere, here’s how you can help victims and survivors
- Paris, Syria, Terror to dominate G20 Leaders talks in Turkey
- Nothing can compete with renewable energy, says top climate scientist
- Berkeley instruments shed light on Mars climate change mystery
- Wind hurtles across this exoplanet at 5400 mph outside of Earth’s solar system
- Exposed: Are Secret US Spy Planes Flying Over the Pacific?
- Watch: Mysterious space junk ‘WT1190F’ crashes into Indian Ocean
- Astronomers say they’ve found the most distant object in solar system
- Watch the Terminator blow up a tusk as a warning to ivory poachers
- New research reveals rapid loss of massive Greenland glacier
- David Tennant: ‘Matt Smith is my daughter’s favourite Doctor Who’
- Senate Votes To Legalize Mining in Space
- Starbucks’s red cup controversy, explained
- ‘Sussex Bigfoot’ revealed as PR stunt
- Homeopathy on the Ropes

The unmanned USAF RQ-4 “Global Hawk,” and the Navy MQ-4C “Triton” have been flying high altitude recon missions since 1998. The U-2S “Dragon Lady” is still flying for the same purposes, but remains manned. This has been an ongoing mission, with a solid pedigree going back to the dawn of flight. I don’t expect this to change much with the new generations of High Altitude Recon UAV’s under development.