Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- Loop Quantum Gravity Theory Suggests Space-Time Actually Comes in Pieces
- This ‘Ugly’ Christmas tree, ‘ruining the holiday spirit’, to be removed in Pennsylvania
- Willy Burgdorfer, Who Found Bacteria That Cause Lyme Disease, Is Dead at 89
- Nazi Pilot Reincarnated as English Rail Worker? Stunning Coincidences Suggest So
- Alien Autopsy 2.0 Update: Still More Press, But Photos Are a No-Show Thus Far
- United States officials are looking past Ebola to prepare for next outbreak
- ‘Terrifying’ Childhood Sasquatch Encounter is Described at Cryptomundo
- Kindness Can Actually Boost Your Social Status in Some Cultures
- Parallel Worlds Could Explain the Wacky World of Quantum Physics
- Ancient Settlement Discovered Off the Greek Island Of Delos
- Facebook Seeking Aerospace Experts to Work on Drone Plan
- Is The Phaistos Disc An Homage To Motherhood?
- Will the cities of the future be built in the ocean?
- When Flip Was Hip, All Over Again
Thanks to Lindsay Morrison, Janet Fitzgerald, and Mark Brady for links in today’s roundup.