Here are today’s headlines…
- Large Hadron Collider Could Help Scientists Discover a Parallel Universe
- Back To The Future Day: Conspiracy Theory Connects The Trilogy To 9/11 Attacks
- Astronomers say real-life ‘death star’ destroying faraway rocky object
- Carbon nanotubes found in children’s lungs in Paris
- Explore the Milky Way at 46 billion pixels
- This robot uses artificial brain cells to navigate like a human
- Don’t worry, the Halloween asteroid won’t ruin your trick-or-treating
- The White House Is Ramping Up Its Focus On Securing Paris Climate Deal
- Scientists slap stuff with cadaver hands to figure out why fist shape evolved
- Disproving a Conspiracy Theory About This Famous Lee Harvey Oswald Photo
- Do Some People Get Deja Vu More Than Others?
- Ancient civilization: Cracking the Indus script
- Two Monster Stars ‘Kiss’ Before Doom
- Puget Sound’s killer whales looking good