Here are today’s headlines…
- The beautiful simplicity (and weird time sags) of Einstein’s 100-year-old masterpiece
- Scientists expect Hawaii’s worst coral bleaching ever
- Man detained in freeway shootings isn’t top suspect
- Japanese Paper Art Inspired Design Can Increase Solar PV Output By 36%
- Resveratrol in red wine & dark chocolate could slow the onset of Alzheimers
- A battle is on for Area 51 in Nevada, but not the kind you might think
- Alien volcano: Blue lava is real and it is here on Earth
- Elsewhere, For Sale: One Evil Super-Villain Volcano Lair
- Seattle dig unearths 10000-year-old stone tools
- NASA to launch its first TV channel to show space in Ultra HD
- US experts concerned by sightings of invasive Chinese marsh turtles
- Burning the remaining fossil fuels will create havoc on Earth
- Here’s Why You Should NEVER Refrigerate Your Onions
- The Big Read: Climate change and the fate of Antarctica
- Could ‘weird things’ at Guilford sheriff’s office be a ghost?
- An ISS astronaut is doing a Facebook Q&A, and the questions suck
- ‘Super Mario’ celebrates 30th anniversary