Here are today’s headlines…
- Graham Hancock argues that a cosmic explosion will soon strike Earth
- Mark Kelly dreamed of becoming the first person to reach Mars
- Fowl Feelings: Birds, like humans, fall in love too, says study
- Bigfoot Hunters Hinder Hunt for Busted Marijuana Crop
- Hey Boo Boo, Is Bigfoot Living In Yellowstone National Park?
- Strange Google Maps find baffles internet sleuths, stirs ‘UFO’ claims
- GUFO lands in SoCal yard… Google Owns Everything These Days
- NASA, Harmonic Launch First Non-Commercial UHD Channel in America
- “Crisis actors”: a conspiracy theory that re-victimizes shooting survivors
- Archaeologists Unearthed 10000-Year-Old Stone Tools In Redmond
- Sierra Nevada snowpack is much worse than thought: a 500-year low
- UA physicist debunks Toxic Radiation conspiracy theory