Here are today’s headlines…
- New Horizons takes aim for Kuiper Belt object
- GIF Shows Just How Fast New Horizons Is Traveling
- The farthest known galaxy is 13.2 billion years old
- Here comes NASA’s robo-hedgehog to study other worlds
- Neuroscientist Explains Sighting Of Objects On Mars To Pareidolia
- Reunion Island Debris Confirmed as MH370 Wreckage, Say French Authorities
- What Fuels Conspiracy Theories? Ask a Former Government UFO Investigator
- Elsewhere, Have “Conspiracy Theories” Lost Their Negative Connotations?
- Is this the moment UFO almost crashed into a Ryanair jumbo jet?
- Elsewhere, UFO Photo Cited as “Clearest and Weirdest” Ever
- 12-Year-Old Indian-Origin Girl Beats Einstein and Hawking in IQ Test
- Scientists may have just stumbled upon a mathematical secret to how nature works
- Mysterious fireball falls through the sky in downtown Bangkok
- Mentally Disturbed Man Claims “Mystery Men” Forced Him to Attack His Parents
- Sea snake vs. poison fish: Fisherman recounts death match
- Teens Using E-Cigarettes to ‘Vape’ Pot, Survey Finds
- Is Human Technological Growth a Recipe For Future Disaster?
- Self-styled pilot connects 54 drones and takes them for a spin
- I went to Burning Man and it was even crazier than I expected
- Predator Numbers Don’t Always Increase with Prey
- Ten Boneheaded Interpretations Of Ancient Skeletons