Here are today’s headlines…
- ‘Superhenge’ Found Near Stonehenge May Be Largest Neolithic Site in Europe
- 3-D imaging helps have detailed look at Lake Huron’s shipwrecks
- Robots Lay Three Times as Many Bricks as Construction Workers
- Meteor bursting into flames is captured on camera as it lights up the sky
- Mysterious UFO cluster filmed over Baltic Sea at sunset
- Elsewhere, was ‘humanoid’ found where fireball exploded really an alien?
- Gold Coasters report spike in UFO sightings over the past weekend
- Earth’s Oceans Could Look Completely Different by the End of the Century
- Pope makes annulment of marriages cheaper and easier
- Heat Advisory, Spare the Air Alert Issued For Bay Area
- New studies deepen concerns about a climate-change ‘wild card’
- Tacoma zoo loses half its sea star population to disease
- Details On The Upcoming Supermoon Lunar Eclipse
- Brazilian wasp venom kills cancer cells by opening them up