Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- Stephen Hawking Says The “God Particle” May Destroy Us All
- …Which Means, of Course, That An Asteroid Swarm Probably Won’t
- Elsewhere in the Cosmos, How Long Until Betelgeuse Explodes?
- Children’s Hospitals in 10 States Report Spikes in Respiratory Illness
- Could This Severed Limb Actually Prove the Existence of Bigfoot?
- The Mystery of Manna: Was This ‘Holy’ Food the Same as the Sacrament?
- Missing for 160, Canada Has Discovered Another Lost ‘Ghost Ship’
- Sabahans Are Abuzz Over Mysterious Bright Lights in the Sky
- Three-Year-Old Boy Gets a New Prosthetic “Iron Man” Hand
- Do Bacteria That Reside in our Guts Actually Rule Our Minds?
- BBC News Summarizes Various Conspiracies Surrounding MH370
- The Sailing Rocks of Death Valley: Do Debunkers Get it Wrong Again?
- Pinning Down a Mystical Experience Using Hard Science… Can it be Done?
Thanks to Mark Brady, Lindsay Morrison, and Stephen Walker for links in today’s roundup.