Here are today’s headlines…
- British Airways Jet Catches Fire at Las Vegas Airport; 20 Injured
- Elsewhere, “World’s largest biker bar” burns to the ground
- Ancient shoulders show signs of humanity’s ape-like past
- Robots can be used to record repair instructions for future ISS crew
- The strange link between global climate change and the rise of the robots
- Meanwhile, Conspiracy Theories Hamper the Fight Against Climate Change
- Of cliques and clicks: How sperm whale dialects influence social groups
- New ‘Giant’ Virus Reanimated After Being Frozen for 30000 Years… Why?
- 7 Ancient Mysteries Archaeologists Will Solve This Century
- This Sandwich Shop Is a Front for a Weird, Wonderful Food Lab
- Magellanic Clouds are our trippy-looking space neighbors
- This ‘Space Glass’ Lets You Drink Whisky While in Orbit
- NASA’s Europa Mission May Land on Ocean-Harboring Moon
- Thank your grandmother for that romantic bond you have
- Mysterious Scratches on the Body: The Science and the Paranormal
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens to open in Europe before US
- Ancient DNA cracks puzzle of Basque origins
- Tucson’s UFO Mystery Revealed