Here are today’s headlines…
- Scary: Mile-Wide ‘Scar’ in Antarctica May Solve Decade-Old Mystery
- Modest volcanic eruptions partly explain ‘global warming hiatus’
- Study Brings New Explanation to Easter Island Population Decline
- The Myth and Enduring Mystery of France’s Carnac Standing Stones
- Another launch failed, SpaceX 9 Rocket fell deep into the Ocean
- Curiosity Researchers Rebuff the Claims of “Microbe traces” on Mars
- Scientists Unearth 9-ton Quicksand Block… and Utah-Raptor Skeletons
- Conspiracy! The Louvre Pyramid’s Occult Illuminati Influence… Or Not
- Elsewhere, NYT Discusses the Negative Social Impact of Conspiracies
- Want to win a poker game? Try using this new computer algorithm
- Prince Andrew Admits to “Being Foolish”; Use Your Imagination…
- Mystery White Powder Hits Sweden; Concern As Analysis is Awaited
- 1177 BC: The Collapse of Civilizations and the Rise of Ancient Israel
- Scientist tackles mystery of ancient Greek astronomical device
- Was a UFO Spotted In a 1966 Gemini Space Project Photo?
- Mind Control: the Pentagon’s Mission to Program the Brain
Thanks to Mark Brady, Janet Fitzgerald, and David (UFO Mania) for links in today’s roundup.