Here are today’s headlines…
- The Intercept Asks, Were the Paris Shooters Part of a Global Terrorist Conspiracy?
- Stephen Hawking on Black Holes and Why He’d Be a Good Bond Villain
- Is NASA Losing Faith in Its Own Asteroid Redirect Mission?
- Elsewhere, this NASA Robot Will Explore Deep Within Volcanoes
- China is moving forward with their robotic spaceship landing on the moon
- Haven’t Seen It Yet? Here’s How to Spot Comet Lovejoy in the Sky
- The Intercept Asks, Were the Paris Shooters Part of a Global Terrorist Conspiracy?
- “Climate-Hacking” would be easy… but does that mean we should do it?
- Stephen Hawking on Black Holes and Why He’d Be a Good Bond Villain
- Mysteries (and clues) from Marvel’s 2nd ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ trailer
- First look: ‘UFOlogy’ brings an alien mystery to Wisconsin
- Michigan Contractor Finds Mastadon Skeleton In His Backyard
- What Happens to a Woman’s Brain When She Becomes a Mother?
- Civilization in ancient China may be older than we thought
- Minifasting: How Occasionally Skipping Meals May Boost Health
- Science Solves a 724-Year-Old Italian Warlord’s Murder Mystery
- Ice researchers capture ‘catastrophic’ Greenland melt on film
- Rare shark birth photos may be the first of their kind ever taken
- Discovery of a sunken World War II submarine is detailed
- Here’s a Look at the 10 Longest Animals in the Ocean
- Wanna Find Bigfoot? Try Looking in the Daytime!
Thanks to Mark Brady, Lindsay Morrison, and Janet Fitzgerald for links in today’s roundup.