Here are today’s headlines…
- Stunning Pictures Show an Alien Moon Eerily Like Earth
- Experts have only a hazy idea of marijuana’s myriad health effects, and federal laws are to blame
- For the First Time, a Ruby Sea Dragon Flaunts in Front of the Camera
- Charges are a possibility in recent Space Needle drone crash
- Ragnarok: Norse Account of Strange & Wonderful Land Doomed to Destruction
- A new road will make getting to Stonehenge easier. It may also ruin Stonehenge
- Japanese girls risk fingerprint theft by making peace-signs in photographs
- Not Aliens: Brilliant Light Pillars Appear Over Canada
- Lasers Activate Killer Instinct in Mice
- Scientists Have Twisted Molecules Into The Tightest Knot Ever
- Why Killer Whales Go Through Menopause
- How old is the moon? Older than we thought, say scientists