Here are today’s headlines…
- Scientists propose the first scheme to teleport the memory of a creature
- This Election, ‘Undisclosed Dollars’ Dominate Campaign Spending
- Microbots Controlled by Mini Magnetic Force Fields, Mad Scientists Rejoice
- Richard Dawkins Reveals Argument for God He Calls “The Best One Going”
- Scientists say greenhouse gas emissions have canceled the next ice age
- World’s largest canyon could be hidden under Antarctic ice sheet
- Green pea galaxy provides insights to early universe evolution
- Exposed Water Ice on Comet Reveals Clues About Its Evolution
- You may be powerless to stop a drone from hovering over your own yard
- South Korea Fires Warning Shots At UFO Suspected Of Being A North Korean Drone
- How Marketers Use Fear Of Chemicals For Profit: 3 Easy Steps
- Rosslyn Chapel: Da Vinci Code’s Holy Grail theory debunked
- So You Think You’re Smarter Than A CIA Agent
- Just a Rocket Without a Plan