Here are today’s headlines…
- Contrary to Previous Studies, Meteorites May Not Have Built the Planets
- Astronauts flee U.S. side of space station, but no sign of leak reported
- Claims Already Emerge Regarding “UFO” That Coincided with Evacuation
- Largest of the Ancient Egyptian Fortresses is Unearthed at Tell Habua
- Stonehenge-like Structure Discovered Under Water in Lake Michigan
- The Secret Tomb of the First Chinese Emperor Remains an Unopened Treasure
- Big Boom at Waterloo: Mysterious Boom Reported Prior to Obama Speech
- Ted Cruz Channels Star Trek Captains, Says U.S. Must Go Deeper into Space
- New DNA technique may reveal face of killer in unsolved double-murder
- The Latest Neanderthal Discovery Includes a Bone Tool at a French Site
- Why So Many People Think They’ve Seen Ghost Dogs With Glowing Eyes
- New ‘Shaky Low-Quality Footage’ Is Indisputable Proof Of The Yeti
- Study: Sea levels are rising faster than everyone thought
Thanks to Mark Brady, Janet Fitzgerald, Lindsay Morrison, and David (UFO Mania) for links in today’s roundup.

The UFO / ISS Evacuation link doesn’t work.