Here are today’s headlines…
- Mysterious cosmic radio burst spotted in real time from Australia
- NOAA Says it’s “More Unlikely Than Likely” 2014 Was Hottest Year
- Mystery White Spot Beckons in Dawn Probe’s View of Ceres
- USAF ‘Project Blue Book’ details UFO reports in new archive
- ‘Jagged UFO’ hovering over NY reportedly terrified birds and wildlife
- Research finds Neanderthals were more thoughtful than we once imagined
- Shocking: Writer and family of FEMA camp movie ‘Gray State’ dead in ‘murder-suicide’
- Researchers hopeful that NC site is that of Lost Colony
- California’s Forests: Where Have All the Big Trees Gone?
- Why does rain smell like rain? Here comes the science…
- Madonna knows who the real Illuminati are and she’s definitely not one of them
- Tropical snail uses ‘bio-roofie’ to hijack blood sugar of prey into paralysis
- Frog Frozen Solid For 200 Days, Wakes Up In Stunning Timelapse
- Speigel: This video will finally make you believe… in video editing software
- Marijuana legalized on United States Indian Reservations
- Pope’s statement on climate change: 5 things to know
- It is not Easy even for SpaceX to land a rocket on a Barge
- And Finally, The Weird Thoreau
Thanks to Mark Brady, Lindsay Morrison, and Janet Fitzgerald for links in today’s roundup.