Here are today’s headlines…
- Rosetta comet is much weirder than expected, say scientists
- Doomsday Clock moves two minutes closer to midnight
- Google Chairman Eric Schmidt: “The Internet Will Disappear”
- Tool making arose earlier among human ancestors
- Stephen hawking is working on a new theory of everything
- Did NASA hide a UFO with ‘Sticky Tape’? Astronauts accused of cover up
- American Sniper: propaganda movie or tale the nation needed to hear?
- Micah and Jim talk about Sasquatch and Government on The Paranormal Report
- Alex Garland’s film Ex Machina explores the limits of artificial intelligence
- Boy Purportedly Gives Detailed, Verified Information About Past Life
- Finding ET: Looks like we’re gonna need a bigger dish!
- NASA assembly takes 100 millionth picture of the sun
- News Flash: Johnny Depp Admits That He’s ‘Weird’
- The First Humans on Mars will be Virtual Explorers
- Drones May Soon Have a New Customer: Drug Cartels
- Top Ten Films You Didn’t Know Contained Illuminati Symbolism
Thanks to Mark Brady and Janet Fitzgerald for links in today’s roundup.