Here are today’s headlines…
- Elon Musk might actually be serious about digging tunnels under Los Angeles
- This virtual reality death simulator ‘cures’ fear of dying
- A woman flew through a tornado in a bathtub and survived
- An asteroid is about to slip between Earth and the moon — the second near miss in 3 weeks
- ‘Collision Cascade’ Particles From Over Million Of Years Ago Still Shower Earth
- Why It Matters That Human Poker Pros Are Getting Trounced By an AI
- For 5 Contest Finalists, a $20 Million Dash to the Moon – New York Times
- USDA scrambles to ease concerns after researchers were ordered to stop publishing news releases
- Unusual Murder in Iceland Haunts ‘World’s Safest Country’
- Mystery Booms Reported Around San Diego County
- NOAA’s New Satellite Reveals Earth in Stunning Detail
- Extra letters added to life’s genetic code
- A Buddhist Poltergeist In Arizona
Thanks to Mark Brady, Janet Fitzgerald, Lindsay Morrison and John James for links in today’s roundup.