Here are today’s headlines…
- Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster Devastated the Nation 30 Years Ago
- ‘We’ve lost ’em, God bless ’em’: What it was like to witness the Challenger disaster
- Scientists Certain Record Breaking 2015 Climate was Man-Made Warming
- Zika virus is ‘spreading explosively,’ World Health Organization leader says
- Reddit theory links GMO mosquitoes ‘released in Brazil in 2015’ to Zika epidemic
- Scientists open the ‘black box’ of schizophrenia with dramatic genetic discovery
- Google DeepMind’s program beats human at game of Go
- Aereo Founder Says He Will Bring Gigabit Wireless Internet To Every Home
- Lonely planet: Astronomers find galaxy’s largest solar system
- Infamous ‘Wow Signal’ From Space May Be Comets, Not Aliens: Astronomer
- Will a ‘time code,’ finally explain the origin of the universe?
- India’s Roswell: First images of ‘UFO’ shot down by air force revealed
- Missing Cancer Researcher’s Body Found in Spokane River
- Scientists: ‘Doomsday Clock’ reflects grave threat to world
- Scrap-made robotic arm combines ‘practical technical knowledge with mysticism’
- Doctor Who Leaves Netflix (in U.S.) Feb 1: The 8 Stories You Need to Watch
- Back to the Future: DeLorean going back into production
- How to Build a Starship — and Why We Should Start Thinking About It Now
- The most absurd ISIS-inspired plot yet? Packing a kangaroo with explosives
- Teenagers die after drinking ‘Dewshine’ cocktail of petrol and Mountain Dew
- 200-Pound Alligator Found in Suburban Chicago Home After 26 Years
- Stellar parenting: Making new stars by ‘adopting’ stray cosmic gases
- UFO reports, in the good old days