Here are today’s headlines…
- Which planets are habitable? Astrophysicists have fresh insight
- New 3D Printed Ceramics Could Help Build Future Spaceships
- Periodic Table’s 7th Row Completed With Discovery Of Four New Elements
- The baffling mystery of Hawaii’s disappearing humpback whales
- Hong Kong leader ‘very concerned’ over missing booksellers
- Oregon militia takeover: How did we get here?
- Oregon Takeover: Protest for Hammond Family ‘Persecution’
- Naked prostitutes chase gun-wielding robbers through Atlanta hotel
- Conspiracy theorists think aliens left this phone behind 800 years ago
- The tax-avoiding ‘Bond villain’ who’s trying to take over the world
- Paleontologist Who Inspired “Jurassic Park” Says We May Have Dinosaurs In 5 Years
- What Does Virtual Reality Do to Your Body and Mind?
- Sci-Fi Movie Endings With Less Fiction and More Science
- The lingering health effects of the Civil War
- No Two Alike: The First Photos of Snowflakes
- Blowhards Beware: Megyn Kelly Will Slay You Now