Here are today’s headlines…
- Obama to roll out new executive actions on gun control
- U.S. is Once Again Making Plutonium 238 for Space Travel
- We Now Know How Tiny Lizards Defy Gravity With Their Gargantuan Tongues
- From bosons to Bigfoot: six science mysteries that might be solved in 2016
- Human interaction with computers could help solve global problems
- Next-Gen Wi-Fi Will Actually Connect the Internet of Things
- New research suggests sun’s magnetic field may soon change
- Secret Underground Street Buried Beneath Keighley’s Royal Arcade
- Trump ad shows migrants ‘at the southern border,’ but they’re actually in Morocco
- Pony tailed Luke Skywalker, Anakin-Vader hybrid cut from The Force Awakens
- Harvey County Sheriff warns of cattle mutilations
- The Bundys and the Irony of American Vigilantism
- What If Every Volcano on Earth Erupted at Once?
- Video of UFO-like object over Austria goes viral
- The Big Problem with GMO Labeling