Here are today’s headlines…
- Advanced Alien Civilizations Could Live in Globular Star Clusters
- Spitzer, Hubble find ‘twins’ of superstar Eta Carinae in other galaxies
- A ‘Crash’ Diet: Merger May Have Slimmed Down Monster Black Hole
- Space lovers, you can now see black hole with a 20 cm telescope
- Manatees could be reclassified from endangered to threatened
- Judge rules monkey cannot own selfie photos copyright
- Chipotle Is Subpoenaed in Criminal Inquiry Over Norovirus Outbreak
- A rare sand tiger shark nursery has been discovered off Long Island
- WaPo: “America has been duped on climate change”, says Robert Brulle
- The Two Sleep Cycle: How did people sleep in the Middle Ages?
- UFO Hunters Turn Up ‘Rare’ Disney Alien Documentary
- Everybody Has a Story: This one is about Bigfoot
- Harnessing the energy of small bending motions
- ‘Space Balls’ Crash Land In Vietnam
- The Old Gods vs. Daesh