Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- Stoned, Baby: Stomach pain leads to discovery of 40-year-old fetus
- An Argument with Teeth: Strange tooth found… in a bag of peanuts!
- Better Living, Through Psychic Abilities? Who Forted Reports
- Great White Sharks aren’t “Imortal”, but they live a long time
- World Under Ice: ‘Whiteout’ Over Great Lakes Seen from Space
- Bantha Fodder: Winter Creations include Jabba the Hut, on Ice
- The Internet’s Cicada: A Mystery Without An Answer?
- Update: ATCS admits “around one unexplained flying object every month”
- Insane Clown Posse suing the FBI for calling fans “a dangerous gang”
- Assorted Secrets: Ghost Cowboys and Area 51

The great white shark article isn’t linking.