Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- Chile Releases “Stunning” UFO Photos, Leslie Kean Comments at HuffPo
- More From Inexplicata: Aeronautical Agency Confirms UFO Sighting
- Sherlock Holmes has been sent to “encourage change” in North Korea
- Imperiled Amazon Indians Make First Contact With Outside World
- The Crunch: Study Suggests That Plants Can “Hear” Themselves Being Eaten
- Disturbing “Awareness During Anesthesia” Studies Will Keep You Awake at Night
- Do these experiments show that consciousness can alter our physical world?
- Time Out of Mind: Can Meditation Actually Slow the Effects of Aging?
- Elsewhere, how technology can help us reduce everyday stresses
- Discovery of Hammer of Thor Artifact Solves Mystery of Viking Amulets
- Woman claims grandmother “took selfie” from beyond the grave
- The First Life-Friendly Exoplanet Discovered May Not Exist
Thanks to Mark Brady, Lindsay Morrison, Eileen Williams, and Ryan P. for links in today’s roundup.