Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- Scientists Proclaim That Whales are the “Engineers of the Ocean”
- Newly Discovered Exoplanet Inspires Hope for Extraterrestrial Life
- Hubble Space Telescope Spots Two Objects Beyond Pluto
- 40 Feet Under: How NASA Trains Astronauts Underwater
- WikiLeaks Documents Occasionally Mention UFOs… Well Sort Of
- City of Dwarves: Is Makhunik An Ancient City Of Little People?
- Examining the Myth of “DNA Transfer” During Consumption of GMOs
- …Or Is It? Study Claims DNA Transfer Through GMOs is Possible After All
- Is it possible for the mind to consciously control the immune system?
- Truth Behind “Supernatural Species”… Finally Explained?
- Facebook Mood Manipulation Scandal: 10 Biggest Problems
Thanks to Lindsay Morrison for links in today’s roundup.