Here are today’s headlines…
- Brightest galaxies may contain clues about the formation of stars, researchers say
- Life on Mars? NASA finds evidence Red Planet could have been teeming with aliens
- New evidence that Jupiter is the oldest planet in the solar system
- NASA will try again to make fake clouds on the East Coast
- Scientists solve a mystery in cellular ‘droplet’ organelles
- Researchers Map Hotspots Of Alien Plant And Animal Species
- Meet the Cambridge scientist on verge of curing Multiple Sclerosis
- Alex Jones doubles down on Sandy Hook conspiracies in ‘disgusting’ Megyn Kelly interview
- Scientists Want to Know Why Northern Gannets Are Dying in New England
- Google Simulator Lets You See What the Eclipse Will Look like Where You Live
- How astronauts are keeping you healthy from 250 miles up
- The weird and wonderful world of Japanese robots
- The Greek word that can’t be translated