Here are today’s headlines…
- The Roots Of Consciousness: We’re Of Two Minds
- Elon Musk is planning a city on Mars, and here’s why
- Solar paint prototype to offer endless energy from water vapour
- People are worried Amazon will replace Whole Foods workers with robots
- China Focus: China launches space telescope to search for black holes, pulsars
- The sun had an ‘evil twin’ called Nemesis which may have wiped out the dinosaurs
- The ‘Head-Transplant’ Surgeon Has Severed And Reconnected The Spinal Cords of 9 Mice
- An underwater bloom has turned part of the Black Sea a brilliant turquoise, as seen from space
- That’s It, NASA Has Definitely Scrapped The Awesome Asteroid Redirect Mission
- Scientists stunned by Antarctic rainfall and a melt area bigger than Texas
- The Mythic Function of the Zombie Apocalypse
- China’s quantum satellite makes a big leap
- The Majestic 12 Documents Are Back…