Here are today’s headlines…
- Local Emergency Declared in 4000-Acre Santa Barbara County Wildfire
- Scientists Just Discovered the Origins of Oxygen in the Universe
- 19 stunning aerial photos of the Earth from Tim Peake’s space mission
- US Navy ‘discussed plans to fit humans with microchips and track their every move’
- NASA Recruitment Posters: Want To Live, Work On Mars?
- Gravitational waves have been detected for the second time in history
- Primordial Galaxy Has Farthest Oxygen Ever Detected in the Universe
- Fighting ISIS With an Algorithm, Physicists Try to Predict Attacks
- There’s a Huge UFO Archive Hiding in These Swedish Apartment Cellars
- ‘Shapeshifting’ UFO spotted in sky outside shopping centre by stunned security guard
- 5 Things the Establishment Slipped By You While Focusing Solely on Orlando Shooting
- Surprise! Newfound Asteroid Is ‘Quasi-Moon’ of Earth