Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- ‘Enigma Man’ May Be New Human Species That Lived Until 11,000 Years Ago
- ‘Neanderthal-Like’ Skulls Reconstructed From Pit In Spain Hint At Human Evolution
- Supermassive Black Hole at Center of Galaxy Emitting Unusual Stream of Gas
- Retaining Fluids: Water-Building Molecules Found in the Center of Dying Stars
- Elsewhere, the famous Big Bang Theory Becomes Subject of Even More Scrutiny
- Please Tell Us This Isn’t Supposed to be An Alien Captured on Google Earth
- Rise of the Great Whites: Shark Population on the Rise Off US Coast
- Construction of world’s biggest optical telescope starts with a bang
- Did this couple encounter “Bigfoot” alone together on a dark road at night?
- Zombie Feathers: Scientists Want To Create Zombie Passenger Pigeon
- Horny Heads: New species of horned dinosaur is discovered
- Creationist Museum Says Noah Had Baby Dinos on the Ark
Thanks to Mark Brady and Ewill for links in today’s roundup.