Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- Mystery In The Sky: Bright Lights Baffle Southern Californians
- Elsewhere, Are UFOs Swarming Over Kazakhstan And Russia?
- Or maybe what we’re seeing are flying “rocketized” wheels?
- White Dwarf of Diamonds: Ancient Earth-Sized Diamond in Space
- Mystery Noise Which Drives Sufferers Mad Could Be Heard In Plymouth Area
- This Bizarre Jurassic Parasite Feasted on Ancient Salamander Blood
- Bigfoot By The Dashboard Lights! New Utah Sighting
- Ohio Boy Finds Mummy Hanging Inside Abandoned House
- Zombie Lover Backs Up Passion With Research
- Speaking of zombies, researchers find hormones affect voting behavior
- One of the many family dogs who seemed to be “psychic”
- Adelaide Arcade ‘Haunted’ By Caretaker Ghost Francis Cluney
Thanks to Jonathan Wilson and Lindsay Morrison for links in today’s roundup.