Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- The Saucer Has Landed! And only with a minor parachute problem
- Elsewhere on Mars, Curiosity takes a trip through ancient glaciers
- Director tells how he was impacted researching “real” exorcisms
- These chimps are listening to music to a slightly different beat
- Study shows how telepathy may be linked to texts, phone, & email
- Facebook’s Secret Psychology Test Looked at User’s Emotions
- 5.2 Magnitude Earthquake shakes Arizona, causes major damage
- Excessive alcohol consumption responsible for 88000 deaths yearly
- Dr. Beachcombing on Ghost Universals And Human Universals
- Bigfoot Evidence Discusses a “Ghost” in a Photo From France
- Humanoids for Sale: Google to begin selling humanoid bots
- Texas family photographs low-flying luminous “triangle” object
- Ohio Witnesses Say UFO Cloaked Itself And Disappeared
- What a Pair: Sengi mouse species contain elephant genes
- Elsewhere, Wither The Water Elephant at ShukerNature
Thanks Lindsay Morrison, Jonathan Wilson, Mark Brady, and Eileen Williams for links in today’s roundup.

It seems impossible for inanimate matter, to be transformed into a LIVING ONE-CELL ORGANISM such as bacteria.
How do you think this happened … ???