Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- Invisibility Cloaks, Aeronautical Black Holes, and Electronic Warfare Among Latest “Theories” Behind Malaysian Boeing 777 Disappearance
- Strange illuminated “probe” paces naval vessel, reportedly drew concerns over Chinese surveillance during multi-national naval exercises in August 2014
- Dr. Sten Odenwald Says Exoplanets Represent The New Age in Planetary Science
- A Washington Post Wonk Examines UFO Sighting Reports: Maine and Arizona top the list
- The Unfinished Symphony: WIT Researchers Discover “Lost” Einstein Model Of Universe
- Mind-to-mind thought talking possible by 2030, scientist says
- Trust Your Gut: The Brain Science Behind Gut Decisions
- Elephants are able to determine gender, and even ethnicity in human voices
- Meanwhile, real-life “Dr Doolittle” develops method for communicating with animals
- Snowden says the CIA is playing a game of “keep away” with the U.S. Senate
- Radiation Plus LSD Equals a Bad Meat Recall… A Man Called Da Da Puts it Together
- “Clark Rockefeller,” murderer and German national who hid behind manipulation for years
- “

I’m pretty sure this Malaysia airplane thing is just the TV Show Lost finally coming true.