Here are today’s headlines…
- Look Ma, no hands! No steering wheel needed under new Calif. car rules
- Astronomers Are Finally Able To See The Most Distance Galaxy Ever
- Potatoes Can Sprout in Red Planet Environment, Study Suggests
- This Moon Of Saturn May Be Tiny, But It Sure Looks Like A Mouthful
- With Synthetic Biology Software, Geneticists Design Living Organisms From Scratch
- This New Doctor Who-Inspired Handheld Device Could Revolutionize Medicine
- Bird disappearances and a Gulf-Minnesota connection
- Are extraordinary images snapped 24 years ago today world’s best UFO pictures EVER taken?
- Is this croissant shaped object a UFO flying over Malta?
- Toxic tea from Chinatown shop in SF sends 2 to hospital
- A python breeder took eight years making this ‘Emoji’ snake