Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- MH370: Micah Hanks presents us with an updated estimate of the situation
- Reach Out And Touch Someone: Mystery Of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
- Why Are The Missing Malaysian Airlines Passengers’ Phones Still Ringing?
- Expert Dismisses “Phantom Phone Ringing” as Standard Network Connections
- Crowdsourcing volunteers comb satellite photos for Malaysia Airlines jet
- Finally, here’s a roundup of ghost flight disappearances similar to MH370
- Gas Explosion in Harlem Levels Two Buildings, Two Dead, Dozen + Injured
- Meanwhile, Gizmodo tweets image of possible “drone” circling the site
- Feinstein gets feisty, demands apology from CIA for hacking and deleting files
- Jonathan Wilson discusses “Big ‘S’ Skepticism at Project Labyrinth
- Himalayan half-cat, half-yeti attacks, as family barricades themselves in bedroom
- Aliens in the sky? Survey shows 1100 UFOs spotted in Canada last year
- UFO sightings taking off across the country, numbers trending up over time
- Volcanoes may have helped species weather the long winters of Ice Ages
- The Search for Life Across Our Universe, at Smithsonian Magazine